Thursday, November 17, 2016

Geography of Me

Geography of Me
Students will use the “Geography of Me” graphic organizer and the information they gather to produce a Power Point, Google Slide, or poster board presentation. Along with the information that is on the graphic organizer, students should also include maps of where they are from and pictures that represent their neighborhoods.  Students should choose to write about the neighborhood they know the most about, or are most comfortable researching.  Included in the grade for this project will be a 2-4 minute presentation. 

A detailed map showing the neighborhood that is being written about is included in the presentation.
No map is included in the presentation
Pictures are used throughout the presentation to enhance the story of the neighborhood.  10-12 pictures included.
Pictures are used throughout the presentation to enhance the story of the neighborhood.   8-10 pictures included.
Pictures are used throughout the presentation to enhance the story of the neighborhood.   6-8 pictures included.
Pictures are used throughout the presentation to enhance the story of the neighborhood.   4-6 pictures included.
A few pictures were used throughout the presentation.
Less than 4 pictures are included.
All of the questions from the graphic organizer are answered.  The responses are well thought out and display an excellent understanding of the neighborhood.
Most of the questions from the graphic organizer are answered.  The responses are well thought out and display an good understanding of the neighborhood.
Some of the questions from the graphic organizer are answered.  The responses are well thought out and display an understanding of the neighborhood.
One or two of the questions from the graphic organizer are answered.  The responses show a limited understanding of the neighborhood.
None of the questions from the graphic organizer are included in the presentation.
Student presented their project in front of the class for 4 or more minutes.
Student presented their project in front of the class for 3 minutes.
Student presented their project in front of the class for 2 minutes.
Student presented their project in front of the class for 1 minutes.
No presentation was made in front of the class.



All projects must be shared with Mr. Pearson by Friday December 2nd.  Late assignments will have 5 points deducted for each school day that it is late.  Pleas share with ->

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