Thursday, November 3, 2016

Election Quiz

1.       Based on information in the article on Hilary Clinton, which of these statements is TRUE?
a.       Hillary Clinton was first active as a Democrat, then a Republican.
b.      Hillary Clinton wants to make universities lower the cost for a college education.
c.        Hillary Clinton broke the law when Christopher Stevens was killed in Benghazi.
d.      Hillary Clinton has run for president two times.
2.       Select the sentence from the section “Campaign Issues” that BEST shows how Clinton changed her ideas about some issues over time.
a.       On her campaign site, Clinton talks about many issues that are important to her.
b.      She wants to lower student debt, the amount of money students owe for their college education.
c.       For example, she used to be against gay marriage, but now she supports it.
d.      She is also in favor of the death penalty but says it should only be used in rare cases.
3.       What effect did Marin Luther King, Jr.’s speech have on Hillary Clinton?
a.       It motivated her to work in politics.
b.      It encouraged her to be active in Republican groups.
c.       It inspired her to run for senior class president.
d.      It made her want to run for president after college.
4.       According to the article, how did the FBI react to Clinton’s email scandal?
a.       It decided that her staff members committed a crime.
b.      It decided that she had been reckless with her responsibilities.
c.       It decided that she should leave her position as secretary of state.
d.      It decided that she should be punished for using her personal email.
5.       Which selection from the article BEST reflects a main goal of Donald Trump’s campaign for president?
a.       Several of his campaign events became violent and some people said he did not try to stop the fights.
b.      He would also reduce taxes and cancel President Barack Obama’s healthcare law, which is called Obamacare and gives health insurance to millions of people.
c.       He became the first Republican candidate to talk about lesbian, gay, transgender and bisexual Americans at the party’s convention.
d.       He asked why Mrs. Khan stood silently at her husband’s side while he spoke.  Trump suggested that her religion, Islam, forbids her from talking.

6.       Which tow of the following are the main ideas of the article?
                                                               i.      Trump built a business empire by working on large real estate projects.
                                                             ii.      Trump’s fortune is probably less than the $1.5 billion he claims.
                                                            iii.      As Trump has run for president, he has said a lot of things that people disagree with.
                                                           iv.      Trump did not try to stop the fights that happened at his campaign events.
a.       i and ii
b.      i and iii
c.       ii and iii
d.      iii and iv
7.       What effect did Khizr Khan’s speech have on many Americans?
a.       They felt happy about what happened with the Khan family.
b.      They decided to support the Democratic National Convention.
c.       They agreed with what he said about Trump.
d.      They were mad at the Republican National Convention.
8.       Based on the article, which of the following statements is TRUE?
a.       When Donald Trump took over his father’s company, he built a real estate empire that made him a lot of money.
b.      Trump Shuttle was Donald Trump’s most successful business.
c.       Donald Trump said that a wall is needed to keep the LGBT community away.
d.      Donald Trump wants to continue Obama’s healthcare law that gives health insurance to people.
9.       Which of the following sentences from the article BEST explains how the Electoral College works?
a.       As a result, the votes of millions of people who cast their ballot end up not counting.
b.      Due to the Electoral College, voters cast their ballots not for a candidate but for a slate of electors – party activists, including friends and allies of the contender – who will support their choice.
c.       Alexander Hamilton worried about giving power to the people because “they seldom judge or determine right.”
d.      By contrast, Ohio – the jewel in the crown of swing states, because tradition has it that no Republican can win the presidency without winning there – is well trodden by the candidates.
10.   Which of the following aspects of the article is NOT thoroughly discussed?
a.       How the Electoral College works in relation to the popular vote
b.      Why the Senate picks the vice president if no one wins 270 Electoral Votes
c.       How “swing” states affect an election

d.      Why the Electoral College was created by the founding fathers

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