Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Election Webquest

Election 2016 Webquest

1)       Before taking the quiz, which candidate do you support for president right now? (ok to say you are not sure…)_____________________
-          Take the quiz.

2)      Which presidential candidate does the website indicate that you side with?  

3)      Does this surprise you?  Why or why not?

4)      Which issue do you share the most in common with your candidate from this quiz?

5)      What do you think the odds are of your candidate winning the 2016 election?

6)      What state or states are –
a.       Solid for Clinton
b.      Leans Clinton
c.    Solid for Trump
d.      Leans Trump 
e.      Toss-Ups

Visit https://vote.sos.ri.gov/   Be sure to be on the “Lookup General Voter Information” tab. Enter your address information.

7)      Where is your polling place?

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