Monday, April 24, 2017

Eleanor Jane

Hey everyone,

I hope that you enjoyed your break - I know I did!  I would like to introduce you to the newest member of the Pearson Family - Eleanor Jane Pearson.  She was born on Friday April 14th at 8:35pm. She came in weighing at 7lbs with a length of 20 inches.  Ellie and her Mom are doing an amazing job.  She sleeps for about 3 hours at a time and is a very good eater.  My wife is doing her photo shoot today and I can't wait to share those pictures with you.  Have a great week!  Get those packets done!  I will see you all on Monday May 1st!


1 comment:

  1. Okay, funny story. You don't know me, but my name, funnily enough, is also Eleanor Jane Pearson. I was googling my name, just for a laugh, and found this blog post, and thought it was AMAZING that someone else in the world has the EXACT same name as myself. Not only this, I was ALSO born in April (although my birthday is April 2nd). As well as this, I also go by Ellie (to some). Felt as though I should share. Congratulations on the new baby, she is beautiful!
