Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Interview Questions for Immigration/Migration Narrative

Whole Class Questions

Period 2
1.       Where and when were you born?  What was it like growing up?
2.       Why and how did you come to America?
3.       Who made the decision to immigrate (migrate)?
4.       What are your feelings about America?
5.       What are your dreams and visions for your future?

Period 3
1.       Where and when were you born?  What was it like growing up?
2.       What are your dreams and visions for your future?
3.       Who made the decision to immigrate (migrate)?
4.       Why and how did you come to America?
5.       Did you find a job immediately or was there a job here waiting for you?

Period 5
1.       Where and when were you born?  What was it like growing up?
2.       Who made the decision to immigrate/migrate?
3.       Did they experience any racial discrimination?
4.       Why and how did they come to America?
5.       What was your neighborhood like?  Both here and there.

Period 1
1.       Where and when were you born?  What was it like growing up?
2.       How do you identify yourself?  What do you see as your identity?
3.       How/why did you come to America/Rhode Island?
4.       Where did you arrive when you came to America?
5.       Who made the decision to immigrate/migrate?  How was the decision made?

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