Friday, March 3, 2017

#########DUE MARCH 10TH##########

Civil Rights Activist Project
This project will provide you the opportunity to become familiar with one major civil rights activist, learning about the individuals’ background, their role(s) in the modern civil rights movement, and what they did after the heights of the civil rights movement in the 1960s.  You will be working mostly in pairs, and each pair will be assigned one of the following civil rights activists:
Stokely Carmichael
Angela Davis
James Meredith
Amiri Baraka (LeRoi Jones)
Jesse Jackson
John Lewis
Bobby Seale
Diane Nash
Fred Shuttlesworth
Bayard Rustin
Ella Baker
Medgar Evers
W.E.B. Du Bois
Ida B. Wells

Step 1:  Research.  Gather as much information as you can about the background and history of your individual.  Be sure to find out the roll that they played during the civil rights movement and what happened to them in later years.  For each source you use, you must record all relevant bibliographic information. 
Your paper will be broken down into 3 parts:
1.        A paragraph biography of your activist, focusing on relevant experiences (family, area of the country, education, jobs, etc.)
2.       A 2-paragraph summary of what your candidate did during the civil rights movement (what he/she is known for).  This part should include at least two “quotations” from the individuals themselves.
3.       A paragraph that explains what he/she did and what happened to him/her after the height of the civil rights movement.  This part should include your thoughts on what your person should be most remembered for.
Step 2:  Create a visual aid (PowerPoint, Prezi, Adobe Spark, etc.) that allows you to introduce your individual to the class.
Step 3:  In a 3-5 minute presentation that should be practiced ahead of time, each pair will introduce their activists to the class.
Step 4:  Each member of the group will write a one paragraph analysis of the project, including what you learned about the civil rights movement, what you found frustrating in doing this project, and how well you worked with your partner.  After you conclude the paragraph, give your partner a grade (one that you honestly think is fair) for the work each of you did.  Please also write a brief explanation of how you came up with the grade.


Visual Example

Written portion should done on Google Docs and shared with me.