Friday, September 30, 2016

Unsung Heroes

Unsung Heroes
Choose an individual who stood up for racial or gender justice.  Perhaps this individual worked to end slavery, for women’s right to own property or to vote, for farmworkers’ rights, or to integrate schools in the South.  You don’t have to agree with everything this person stood for or agree with how he or she went about working for change.  The only requirements are that the person tried to make this a better place to live and also significantly affected society.  You may choose an individual (or group) who attended the “Hello My Name Is” activity or come up with one of your own.  If you choose one on your own, please check with me first.

Your goal will be to find out as much about your assigned individual as possible.  Try to answer the following questions – and be sure to look for specific stories from their lives:
1.  What significant events in this person’s life shaped their social commitment?  What happened in their life to make them willing to take the risks they took?
2. What did the person want to accomplish or change?
3. What did they accomplish?
4. What methods did this person use to try to effect change?
5. What, if anything, about their life reminds you of something in your life?  Is there anything in their life that you relate to, or that is similar to feelings or experiences you’ve had. 
6. What meaning does this person’s life have for today?
7. Find at least three quotes from the individual that you agree with or think are somehow significant.

In your final write-up, all of these questions will need to be answered fully.  The information you gather in this part of the project will help you to write the first-hand account – but we will cross that bridge later.

Frederick Douglass
Harriet Tubman
John Brown
Elaine Brown
Jeannette Rankin
Soldiers of 54th Massachusetts Regiment
Elizabeth Gurley Flynn
Cesar Chavez
Carlos Bulosan
Harvey Milk
Fred Korematsu
Susan B. Anthony
Henry David Thoreau
Nat Turner
Emma Goldman
Marcus Garvey
Bernice Johnson Reagon
Fannie Lou Hamer
Delores Huerta
Mickey Schwerner, James Chaney, Andrew Goodman
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Leonard Peltier
Black Panther Party for Self Defense Member
Melba Patillo Beals
Malcolm X
Queen Liliuokalani
Sojourner Truth
Jackie Robinson
Rosa Parks
William Lloyd Garrison

Link to article and biographies of the Unsung Heroes

"Unsung Heroes"

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

"Precious Knowledge"

The next few days we will be watching the documentary "Precious Knowledge."  Below you will find a link to the worksheet used during the screening of the film.

Precious Knowledge Worksheet

Monday, September 12, 2016

Ethnic Studies


Course Description

Objective: Students will be able to understand their own and each other's history in connection to the history of our nation. And connect their learnings to current social conditions.

Objective: Students will have a deep understanding of how cultural groups in RI and the USA have been marginalized and oppressed.

Objective: Students will engage in peer-to-peer teaching.

This course will also empower students to see themselves in the local history and national history. This course is designed to help you understand the different cultural systems working within our community and their roots. The goal will be to strengthen student community by combating stereotypes and acknowledging the rich contributions of diverse ethnic communities. Increasing empathy for others, connectedness, empowerment to make positive changes in the community, and to have an understanding of the systemic oppression of cultural appropriation and oppression and personal responsibility to engage with communities addressing oppression.

I look forward to taking this journey with you!!
